– Mobility Device

– HIV treatment & care

– Sexual & Reproductive Health

HIV Treatment and care

​The HIV virus is diffused through bodily fluids, and the most common process of circulation is through sexual contact, we know that People Living with Disabilities are sexually active too which puts them in danger, although it can also be diffused through sharing sharp tools used on someone infected with HIV.

The virus attacks and deteriorates the immune system. If tolerated to advancement, it leads to AIDS, which is practically deadly unless treated.

A disabled mother who is HIV infected can spread the virus to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.

HIV cannot be alleviated completely. However, antiretroviral drugs can assistance overpower the virus, which means that the person Living with disabilities infected with HIV who have access to care and treatment, can avoid getting AIDS and lead full and fruitful lives.

​How is Rena Community Development Association undertaking HIV?

– By providing access to voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for People Living with Disabilities to enable then to know their HIV status.

– By facilitating sexual & reproductive health and peer education workshops for youth living with disabilities in order to increase knowledge and understanding of HIV transmission and how to protect oneself from contracting the virus.

– By providing care & referral for anti-retroviral treatment to all HIV infected children living with disabilities and adults, to Health Centres.

– Through the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) to women living with disabilities by providing HIV infected and pregnant women with ante-natal care, and referred to health centres for delivery service and post-natal care

(Treatment programmes in Uganda have resulted in a 30% reduction in new infections among children living with disabilities between 2010 and 2016)

Health Mobility Device

​The 2014 census in Uganda illustrates that 13.3% of the population over 5 years of age are living with a disability (UNSTATS). In Uganda, this is defined as: “a substantial functional limitation of daily life activities caused by physical, mental or sensory impairment and environmental barriers resulting in limited participation”.

Challenges relates to poverty create a uniquely challenging environment for children living with a disability and their families as their ability to access and/or afford essential care and services are extremely limited.

Often this results in children living with disabilities receiving no specialised care and treatment which leads to further health complications.

Negative stereotypes, prejudice, and stigma contribute to the discrimination and exclusion of children living with disabilities and their families in all aspects of their lives. This can result in children living with a disability being hidden from public view and prevents them from accessing essential treatment, education and contributing within their communities.

A lack of assistive aids and basic infrastructure such as ramps, handrails etc. create a less inclusive environment.

How Rena Community Development Association is improving life of people with disability

– Through the establishment of physiotherapy centre to support children living with a disability and their families.

– By providing access to physiotherapy services in order to improve a client’s ability to perform movements of their body.

– By providing access to child and family centred occupational therapy which focuses on improving a child’s ability to perform normal daily activities and live a more inclusive life.

​Rena Community Development Association wishes to express its sincere gratitude to our partners on this project


Challenges relates to poverty create a uniquely challenging environment for children living with a disability.
Raised: $0Goal: $750,000.00


Through its child sponsorship programme, children are financially supported by international donors to attend school.
Raised: $0Goal: $750,000.00


An opportunity to earn an income and provide a secure home, food and clothing.
Raised: $0Goal: $750,000.00

Clothes For Everyone

Clothes are a basic need that cant be accessed by many vulnerable communities.

Clothes For Everyone

Raised: $150,650.00Goal: $180,000.00

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Donation Total: $10.00

Food Aid

Join a relentless community of givers who believe that no child should sleep hungry

Food Aid

Raised: $50,070.00Goal: $150,000.00

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Donation Total: $10.00

Clean water for kids

Vestibulum quam nisi, pretium a nibh sit amet, consectetur hendrerit mi. Aenean imperdiet lacus sit amet…

Clean water for kids

Raised: $250.00Goal: $200,000.00

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Donation Total: $10.00

Education to Every Kid

I went to a well-respected medical center near my home in Phoenix, Arizona. I’d had cardiac…

Education to Every Kid

Raised: $230.00Goal: $150,000.00

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Donation Total: $10.00

First charity activity of this summer

Vestibulum quam nisi, pretium a nibh sit amet, consectetur hendrerit mi. Aenean imperdiet lacus sit amet…

First charity activity of this summer

Raised: $251.00Goal: $100,000.00

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Donation Total: $1.00

Help for homeless

Vestibulum quam nisi, pretium a nibh sit amet, consectetur hendrerit mi. Aenean imperdiet lacus sit amet…

Help for homeless

Raised: $40,720.00Goal: $100,000.00

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Donation Total: $1.00
