Generally, People Living with Disabilities are vulnerable by virtue of their impairment and negative societal attitudes arising from fear, ignorance, superstitions, neglect and lack of awareness.

As a result, People Living with Disabilities have inadequate access to services, information, resources as well as limited participation in the socio-economic development process.  Consequently, the majority depend on their families and communities for survival. However, the socio-economic situation of most Persons Living with Disabilities is still characterized by abject poverty.

With 60% of their population living in poverty, People Living with Disabilities are over represented among the 38% of Ugandan population affected by poverty.

Concentrating upon our areas of intervention, we have established a prototypical and methodology that enables us to identify and support people living with disabilities and their families living within the communities we operate. Parents/Guardians are supported by minimum three of the interventions epitomized below, safeguarding a greater level of resourcefulness and resilience. Each household is evaluated after 18 months and 3 years. After this timeframe, it is projected that these households will have graduated out of poverty.


- Mobility Device - HIV treatment & care - Sexual & Reproductive Health

Economic Empowerment

Emphasis on strong and on all-inclusive household and community development.


Through its child sponsorship programs, children are financially supported by international donors.